Oct 8, 2012

My Point, Exactly

At 4 a.m. this morning, I found myself feeding the player with 500 Days of Summer. I've seen this movie more than ten times already (something tells me I won't stop till I reach five-effin-hundred. Literally.) 
So yeah, I guess it's safe to label this one a favorite :)

I've been getting this fishy feeling that the universe is trying to tell me something. Ya know, it's not everyday that I get up at a wee hour, and spontaneously decide to watch a chick flick --right when I'm supposed to be sleeping.

I'd like to share with you my favorite part, I got the actual movie script from imsdb.com  by the way.

                    So you got a boyfriend?
                    Me? No.
          Tom shoots daggers at McKenzie for that comment. McKenzie
          mouths "what?" Summer sees nothing.
                    Why not?
                    Don't really want one.
                    Come on. I don't believe that.
                    You don't believe a woman could
                    enjoy being free and independent?
                    Are you a lesbian?
                    No, I'm not a lesbian. I'm just not
                    comfortable being somebody's
                    "girlfriend." I don't want to be
                    anybody's anything, you know?
                    I have no idea what you're talking
                    It sounds selfish, I know, but... I
                    just like being on my own.
                    Relationships are messy and
                    feelings are always getting hurt.
                    Who needs all that? We're young.
                    We're in one of the most beautiful
                    cities in the world.
                              SUMMER (cont'd)
                    I say, let's have as much fun as we
                    can afford and leave the serious
                    shit for later.
                    But...what if you meet someone and
                    fall in love?
                    Love? You seriously believe in that
                    Of course I do.
                    Interesting. A real romantic.
                    Oh you have no idea. This one...
                    embarrassing. There was this one
     (to Tom)
                    I gotta tell this story --
          Tom elbows McKenzie hard in the ribs to shut him up.
                    Summer, hold on... you don't
                    believe in love?
                    I don't even know what that word
                    means. I know I've never felt it,
                    whatever it is in all those songs.
                    And I know that today most
                    marriages end in divorce. Like my

-To me, it's like she already answered the questions I've "subconsciously" been asking myself. Every word of that conversation, EACH ONE,  speaks true of my general philosophy in life. Relationship-wise, that is.
Especially for the highlighted parts, I am totally convinced this was written just for me. Or at least I'd like to think so.

Kung tamad kang magbasa, LUMAYAS KA DITO!!! Joke lang. Ito yung clip :)

Click right here.

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