Jan 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME hihihi! ♫

Goodbye dream age, I am 17 now. Thanks for being good to me, though. It was nice being 16, but I must move on  *drama mode*  wait, did I just talk to myself right there? coooool  8D.

Let's get to the good side of this.
Ever since my mom learned of my "occasional drinking", everyone else in the family knew about it, and teased me about how I could turn out an EARLY DRUNKARD. Like, hell no. I'll never be a lasenggera, I'm allergic to alcohol! I'm gonna die before I even achieve that :)). Well anyways, she's been talking me into trying out the vodka she "bought for me"  <--her words. I never took it seriously, cause knowing my mom, it's just probably one of her "tests".

But since the two of them (my mom and my tito) were gonna drink wine that night, she allowed me to indulge myself into this very yummy alcoholic drink she was talking about.

You wouldn't even taste the alcohol in it. I would have shared this with my cousins (aged 4-8) if it wasn't for the kick. hihi. So there I was, surfing the net, drinking a bottle of this--with my legs up on a pillow. Nice :D

The night before...
I was at my bestfriend's house for a sleepover, and all the video-making made us hungry so we ordered from McDonalds online. I must say, their means are impressive. It felt like we were really ordering from the counter ourselves, considering the virtual trays they had  put up there. Anyways, here WAS our order. Dinaanan yata ng bagyo.

here's a picture of me and my lola (and her uber violet outfit--favorite color eh )...

...a snapshot of my cake. (binura ng mommy ko yung "Gorgeous" below her name,baka asarin daw siya eh)

...with my "GORGEOUS" mom! hehehe.

That's about it! Next up is Christmas Party 2010! :)

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