Feb 6, 2011

I'm a Blog Stalker.

Here is a list of blogs I've been "stalking" for a while now. :)

How I knew of his blog:  When I was in highschool, I had this habit of tuning-in to RX 93.1's Morning Rush to help me kill time inside the service bus. I always look forward to their funny top 10 countdowns, and it was to my surprise that Chico posts some of them on his blog--as he said on one of their segments. Chico's also into photography, making me cling more to his entries. Click the link to see for yourself! I'm telling you, it's worth it.

How I knew of her blog:  Ever since I got my own blogger account, I began being interested to what other people write about in their online journals. I searched Google for some famous Filipino bloggers, and Saab Magalona's site caught my attention. Her last post that time was about CubaoX (and all the artsy stuff you can find there), and I was thrilled to know how that kind of bothered me in a good way. Now going to that place became one of my goals this year! I have to at least buy the rings made from beer bottle caps!

How I knew of her blog:  She was the winner of Saab Magalona's Rio Mints blog contest thingy. I figured that since she won, her site must be interesting. True enough, it was! I'm actually quite jealous of her cool stuff. I want her polaroid and lomo cams, her cute vintage car, everything in her closet, and even her oxford shoes! I want them all. She was also featured in candymag, and from what I hear, she's tumblr-famous too.

How I knew of her blog: Honestly, I don't remember how I ended up on her page. Funny, cos I only started checking it out just this Friday. Well anyways, I love how humble her approach in writing is. She's one of my role models--mainly because she's pretty, and smart, and down to earth at the same time. I really admire people like that. I remember when we got toured around abs-cbn, and it was in one of her TV shows that we sat-in as part of the audience, it was so evident how light she is to be with. 

5. My blockmates' Pau Villanueva and Camille Quintos Tumblr


How I knew of their blogs:  It's pretty obvious, they're my blockmates! As a matter of fact, these two were one of the reasons why I realized how I'm taking "blogging" for granted. I used my Tumblr just for reposting some other person's stuff,  whether it had relevance to me or not (but mostly because it made me laugh). I let that site die, and so I found out about BLOGGER. I assume this is a more "low-profile" website, which is good 'cause it's probably more practical and easy to maintain.

Last, but definitely not the least...

How I knew of her blog:  She's my uberly-bestestly krabby PATty PEAnut butter PATootie sister. Nope, that's not jejemon...just alien talk. I'm sorry, but I can't post the link to her site. She uses her blogger to vent out feelings about "personal" stuff, so...hmm,that's why.

Done! I just wanted to share what's on the bookmark toolbar of my laptop. These sites keep me inspired in doing my very own "online diary". You can also link me yours if you have one! I would love to check it out. Thanks for reading! :)

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